Chase Jarvis has said that the best camera is the camera you have with you.
For years, I would refuse to use my phone to take pictures. You can call it ignorance. You can call it “photographic snobbery.” But, for years, if I came across a good photographic subject and only had my phone, I would lament the fact I didn’t have my camera gear with me to capture a “proper” or “real” image, whatever I thought that meant, and go on my way. I can’t begin to count the number of images I have missed because of this attitude. However, I have finally come to realize that the core principles of photography, namely light, subject, and composition, do not change based on the equipment being used. This image is an example.
I was working in Fort Smith a few weeks ago, and my camera gear was at home as it normally is when I travel for work. The next morning, as I was walking across the hotel parking lot, I happened to look down and notice this outline of what I think is a maple leaf embedded in the concrete. I just had to stop and photograph it.
The first thought that entered my mind was wishing I had brought my camera with me. Then, it occurred to me that I had a camera with me – my phone. No, it wasn’t my big camera and its lenses and my tripod, but it was a camera, and a camera was what I needed. After loading my work stuff into my vehicle, I went back to the leaf impression, pulled out my phone, and captured this image. I have no doubt there were some people who saw me taking a picture of the concrete and thought I was crazy.
I think the image turned out just fine. Could I have captured a better photograph with my big camera? Maybe or maybe not. But, that’s not the point. The point is that I saw an interesting subject and used the only tool I had with me at the time to photograph it.
There’s no way I’m going to give up my main camera equipment and rely solely on my phone going forward. Absolutely not. But, when I come across a nice subject with nothing but my phone to photograph it, then my phone is what I’ll use. After all, it’s always better to come away with an image than not.