A few years ago, we had temperatures that hovered between just below the freezing point to just above. This caused my pond to freeze, begin to thaw, and refreeze again. This thawing and refreezing process formed cracks and air bubbles in the ice which created some very unique abstract images. This was one of my favorite images from that time. Because I was handholding the camera, I needed a fast shutter speed which meant a larger aperture was necessary. Since I was not able to hold the camera sensor parallel to the surface of the ice, the corners of the image were not sharp. This lack of corner sharpness always bothered me, and I considered the image a failure. I could have cropped the photograph to eliminate the soft corners, but the reduction in resolution would have been unsatisfactory. However, with the help of Gigapixel AI from Topaz Labs, I was able to crop the image to eliminate the unsharp corners and resize the resulting photograph to it original resolution. My settings were 70mm, 1/80 sec, f/11, 400 ISO.