I saw this old shed as I was out driving around yesterday. I was struck by the way the whole structure leaned to one side and seemed as if it could fall down at any minute, yet it seemed to be fighting to remain standing.
Getting this picture presented several challenges. First, the shed was on private property behind a barbed wire fence, so I was very limited in how close I could get and in the angles from which I could shoot. Second, the area was filled with a lot of other items that would be distracting in the image. Third, the shed was in the shade created by a large tree behind it, but there was a large expanse of sky behind the shed that I knew would be overexposed.
To get the image I wanted, I used my 400mm lens to eliminate as much of the sky as possible. Then, after I adjusted the contrast, highlights, shadows, and saturation in Lightroom, I opened the image in Photoshop. Using Photoshop, I cloned the tree leaves into the area of the sky to eliminate it. I then cloned out the barbed wire fence, some buckets lying on the ground, and part of another structure that was situated just at the edge of the frame. Finally, I used the Unsharp Mask to sharpen the image slightly.
Settings: Canon 5D Mk II, 400mm, 1/10 sec, f/32