This is a view of Sugarloaf Mountain in Heber Springs, Arkansas, with the Little Red River in the foreground. I took this shot yesterday morning just as the sun rose above the horizon. What caught my eye in this scene was the warm tones displayed on Sugarloaf Mountain in contrast to the cooler, bluish tones along the river. I also like the subtle hues of blue and pink in the sky behind the mountain. The exposure settings were 1/40 sec at f/8 with a 70-200mm lens set at 70mm.
I captured this image standing on the bridge that crosses the Little Red River. Although the bridge has a wide shoulder and the traffic was minimal, I was still somewhat nervous as I stood there in the early morning light with cars blasting by me. In addition, with the wind generated from the river combined with the passing cars, it certainly felt colder than the 28 degrees the thermometer said it was. I’m sure those driving by me, as they passed, were thinking “What is that idiot taking a picture of on the bridge in this weather?” After all, I thought the same thing about myself at first. In the end, though, I’m glad I stopped. Would I do it again? You betcha!
Settings: Canon 5D Mk II, 70mm, 1/40 sec, f/8