A couple of weeks ago, I saw a link to a blog post from photographer Alexander Kunz called “August 2013 Throwback.” I was intrigued, so I clicked the link. What I discovered was Alex has been writing a post every month for the past two years in which he goes back in time to discuss some of the images he took during that particular month 10 years ago.
I thought that was such an interesting idea. I already go through my image library on a somewhat regular basis to review old images. I already write weekly blog posts. Why couldn’t I combine the two activities into one and write about some of the images I took ten years ago?
So, welcome to my inaugural “look back” post in which I will post about the images I made during September 2013.
September 2013 was a relatively unproductive month photographically; however, I managed to make a trip to Garvan Woodland Gardens in Hot Springs, Arkansas, which is the botanical garden of the University of Arkansas. Since I had never been there before, I had no idea what to expect, but that only added to the excitement.
This was the first photograph I made. I’m not sure what the pale purple flowers are, but I liked how they seemed to wind their way through the trees. Unfortunately, I was less than satisfied with the original results. The lighting was too contrasty, the image wasn’t as sharp as I would have liked, and the composition wasn’t as strong as it could have been. It took eight years before my processing skills, and technology, developed to the point that I could create an image I was proud of.

Continuing along, I spied this waterfall. It took me a couple of minutes before I found this composition with the rocks in the bottom and the branches and leaves at the top creating a really nice frame around the waterfall.

The final image from September 2013 is the Bridge of the Full Moon. I made several images of this bridge which captured the entirety of it, including the arch at the top, but this is the one I like the best because it looks like I am looking through a portal into another realm.

I hope you enjoyed this first “looking back” post. The next one will be posted on November 1, since I, sadly, didn’t get out for any photography in October 2013.