Looking Back: July 2014

The middle of the month means another look back to some of the images I took in 2014.  This month, we go back to three images from July 2014:  an image that took me several years to appreciate, one that has always been a favorite of mine, and one in which the subject was in plain sight but few people seemed to really notice.

The first image was in a location you wouldn’t expect – in front of a large office building on a very busy street.  Thousands of people have driven by this spot every single day, yet I have never seen another photograph of it.  Perhaps that’s because seeing it every day has made it ordinary.  I know I’ve fallen into that trap.  It’s usually only through happenstance, such as light hitting something in just a certain way, that I have found some amazing local opportunities.  But, sadly, for every opportunity I’ve discovered, there are an untold number of possibilities I have missed.

I have just over 10,000 photographs that I’ve captured over the years that will likely never see the light of day.  From time to time, I tell myself I should probably clean them out, but I never do.  Why?  Because I like to go through them from time to time to remind myself that my photography actually has progressed over the years.  I find that a bit reassuring when I start having doubts.  Additionally, I will occasionally come across one that has potential that I didn’t recognize when I originally took all those years ago.  A diamond in the rough, so to speak.  This image is one of those.

I was on my way somewhere else the morning I photographed this image.  I don’t remember now where I was headed, but I had left the house a bit later than I had planned, so I decided to stop at Lake Maumelle in central Arkansas as I drove by to see if I could get any sunrise pictures.  I was somewhat disappointed with this image when I photographed it in July 2014, so I moved on and quickly forgot about it, but I never deleted it.  A couple of years ago, as I was perusing my image library (again), it caught my eye.  Cropping it to a square format and converting it to a black and white image created a more minimalist, high-key image that I rather like.

Just minutes later, literally standing in the same spot, I turned around to find the sun had risen above the horizon and was shining through a gap in the cloud bank.  I quickly repositioned the camera and lined up this composition, which I consider one of my favorite images of all time.

Well, that’s my look back to July 2014.  If you enjoyed this short trip down Memory Lane, leave a comment and consider subscribing so you never miss a post.

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