The winter months are my least favorite months for photography. The days are often cloudy, the leaves have dropped leaving the trees bare, and everything looks brown and lifeless. The conditions zap my enthusiasm to get out with my camera. When I do get out, I often have a very difficult time finding interesting subjects to photograph. Unfortunately, the month of February falls right in those winter months. My struggle with photography in the winter is evident in the fact that I have only one decent image from February 2014.
I was staying in the town of Russellville, Arkansas, for work and took my camera equipment with me on the chance that I might be able to get out some in the evenings. And, that was exactly what I was able to do on my first evening with a trip to Lake Dardanelle State Park, which sits on the banks of the Arkansas River.
It was a cold evening as I spent some time walking along the boardwalk. After making a couple of images here and there, I began to realize just how cold it was. I decided to walk to the end of the boardwalk, pack up, and head back to my hotel. As I reached the end of the boardwalk, I noticed this bench facing the lake as the sun began to set with Mt Nebo in the background.
I set up my equipment and photographed the scene. By that point, my fingers were starting to hurt from the cold (and, no, I didn’t have any gloves!), so I packed everything up, got back in my vehicle, turned the heat as high as it would go, and went back to my hotel to get something to eat.

That’s my look back to February 2014. Thanks so much for reading.