Green Sanctuary

A couple of weeks after my trip to Collins Creek, I made a visit to the Lake Sylvia Recreation Area in the northeast corner of the Ouachita National Forest.  The recreation area is just a little over an hour from my house making it pretty easy to get to.  It’s also a location I’ve never visited in the middle of summer, so I wasn’t sure what I might find when I arrived.

I arrived a few minutes before sunrise at a parking area for a short walking trail.  As I sat in my truck waiting for the sky to get a little brighter, I noticed a small forest scene with the trees full of green leaves and split rail fence running along the edge of the woods.  I realized I had photographed this same spot (which you can check out here) about a year and half ago in the middle of Autumn, so I was interested to see how the image I created then compared to the previous one.

Many times, I have a bad habit of not spending much time setting up my compositions.  I will see something, and, from that particular spot, I will set up my camera, get the photograph, and then pack up and move on.  The result is an image that I find boring and uninspired.

But, for this image, I decided to try something a little bit different.  I pulled out my camera, attached a 24-70mm lens, and spent a few minutes walking around trying to find the angle that I found most pleasing to me.  Once I did that, only then did I set up the tripod, mount the camera, and come away with this picture.  Now, I just need to make that a habit!

The image depicts a serene forest scene. A wooden fence runs along the bottom of the image, separating the viewer from the dense forest. The trees are tall and leafy, with their branches intertwined to form a dense canopy overhead. The leaves are a vibrant green, creating a sense of lushness and vitality. Sunlight filters through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. The overall atmosphere of the image is one of peace and tranquility.
Green Sanctuary
Finding serenity in the woods

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