This image is of the Coronado Springs Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. What I like about this picture is the beautiful golden color of the lighting on the building and the way that lighting contrasts with the dark sky in the background. I had originally intended to shoot this scene during twilight when there was still some color in the sky, but my schedule precluded me from doing any photography at that time of day. So, I did the next best thing. I got up early one morning, headed out of my room, and took this shot at about 6:45 a.m. Although I questioned my sanity at the time, I was glad I did it after I got home and saw the result of my early morning excursion.
I normally shoot at 200 ISO. For this image, however, I lowered the ISO to 100. I reasoned that, because digital noise is usually most prominent in the shadow areas of an image and this scene had a significant amount of these darker areas, the lower ISO would essentially eliminate most of the noise. It did, and I only needed to tweak the noise reduction slider in Lightroom to remove the slight noise that was present.
The biggest adjustment I had to make to the original image was cropping. I used my 24-105mm lens set at 105mm to capture the original image. However, when I got home and began processing the file, I found there was far more of the lake in the foreground than I had realized, and I felt it overwhelmed the rest of the picture. In order to correct this, I had to crop the image significantly to get the framing I wanted. Had I used my 70-200mm lens, I could have captured the image in-camera the way I wanted without the need to crop after the fact.
Settings: Canon 5D Mk II, 105mm, 13 sec, f/11