I captured the image of this barn this morning about thirty minutes after sunrise. I had seen the barn the evening before and tried to previsualize what it would look like shortly after sunrise. I was thrilled when I drove back this morning and saw how nicely the golden color of the sunlit front contrasted with the shaded areas of the roof and barn walls.
The barn was behind a fence on private property. In order to capture the light on the front of it, I had only one position from which to shoot. My first images were captured using a 70-200mm lens. But, I switched to a 400mm lens when I realized the 70-200 wasn’t giving me the results I was looking for. With the 400mm lens, I was able to isolate and really focus attention on the structure, especially the sunlit front. I had considered lightening the two barn doors in post-processing. However, I chose to leave them as essentially black squares in order to further emphasize the lighting on the front of the barn. The exposure settings were 1/160 second at f/8.
Settings: Canon 5D Mk II, 400mm, 1/160 sec, f/8