It’s hard to believe the year is already half way over. Here is a quick update on my progress toward achieving my 2020 New Year’s resolutions.
I continued to carry my camera with me most of the time. Because of this, I have been prepared for photographic opportunities as I discovered them.
With so many places closed because of the virus outbreak, I began to grow concerned that I would have difficulty with my resolution to shoot more photographs. But, keeping my eyes open, I was able to find photographic subjects close to home that I had not ever really noticed before.
I had resolved to write at least one blog post per month, and I had been achieving that goal. That certainly seemed to be a reasonable objective, but I came to the realization that approach did not really reflect a real desire to improve.
I came across a blog post by Simon Ringsmuth describing how he posts a new photo every week, and I thought this was a great idea. So, in mid-April, I incorporated this idea into my own posting strategy and have, thus far, been quite happy with it.
My final resolution, to slow down, has not yet been as successful as I would care to admit. I still have a tendency to get to a location, set up my camera, and begin shooting. I’m still not really taking the time to discover other subjects and photographic opportunities a location may offer.
But, I continue to work on it, and, in the end, I guess that’s the point of a resolution.